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Top level services, whirl connection to you destination, a chilled bottle of water and/or a soft drink included. The best bird eye views and a stylish Italian bubble wine cheer included too. 

Helicopter tours & transfers

  • It is always recommended to book as first as possible to guarantee the tour availability. Bookings and reservations are accepted up to 30hours prior to the beging of the service, but for the last 72hours are considered "last minute" and are subject to availability at time of a request. To book this tour a 30% prepayment is required and a 100% for the "last minute". 

    Price starting from 1450,00€.

    Price Per Person.
    Pick up Naples airport, Capri island, Sorrento, Ravello, Salerno area, Phlegrean fields area, Rome, Tuscany area...

    It is subject to weather conditions. 

    Museum fees and attractions are payable locally by the travellers. Any meal, alcool and personal expences are excluded. 
    The booking always can be cancelled and if you send a written cancellation an one week prior of the begining of the service there will be no cancellation charge. If the written cancellation is presented less then seven days prior of the begining of the service or client "no show" there will be a charge of the whole price of the services.

  • The tour runs rain or shine, all the year around, but strictly depends on the weather conditions. Meals, drinks and any other personal expenses are payable locally by the travellers. Price starting from 1300,00eur up to 6persons. 

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